Basic test

Safety First security test

How do you deal with the increasing threats of cybercrime? Test yourself with our basic security test in order to know your level of security. The Safety First basic security test is free of charge.

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What is the size of your organization?


Is your organization and company culture prepared for cyberattacks?


Are you familiar with routines and technology needed to protect against cybercrime?


Do you often initiate activities to increase awareness and to educate your workforce within cyber security?


Do you have resources and routines in place to surveille cyber attacks?


If cyber criminals attack your systems, do you have routines in place to respond?

* By clicking the submit button you will send your test input to EMP Secure. Your input will be automatically assessed and you will receive a preliminary evaluation.
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Your score:

Your preliminary test evaluation

You're not prepared and need to take immediate action.

Watch out! You need to do more to prepare for the increasing threat of cybercrime. With more than 9 billion cyberattacks daily around the world your values are at risk. Start by working on your security culture. Make sure your systems are up to date. Cyber criminals work hard to find new methods to break in every day. Please get in touch with us for discussion on how to create stronger cyber security or if you would like to initiate a more advanced test of your security culture and systems.
Your preliminary test evaluation

You're getting there, but you need to do more.

Good! You have done some efforts to prepare for the increasing threat of cybercrime. But you need to do more. Keep on working on your security culture. Make sure your systems are up to date. Cyber criminals work hard to find new methods to break in every day. Please get in touch with us for discussion on how to improve your cyber security or if you would like to initiate a more advanced test of your security culture and systems.
Your preliminary test evaluation

Keep up the good work.

Well done! You have done a great effort to prepare for the increasing threat of cybercrime. Keep on working on your security culture. Make sure your systems are up to date. Cyber criminals work hard to find new methods to break in every day. Please get in touch with us for discussion on how to improve your cyber security further or if you would like to initiate a more advanced test of your security culture and systems.
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Advanced test

Safety First security test

EMP Secure recommend every company to do a more extensive testing of the security systems and the security culture in their company. The advanced test is a much more comprehensive assessment of your company. The advanced test will be delivered as a final report.